
” valleylist” AC\DC



valleylist(sm) AC\DC—-[friday 06 01.2018]

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 +top 10 AC/DC songs (
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 +AC\DC album Back In Black makes top 10 albums of all time
AC\DC. they’re not gay. they’re from the san francisco bay area. normal hard rock heavy metal. from all over. they now live in the bay area. city of san francisco says welcome music industry. hard to find music superstars like AC\DC they live here and play here and record and distribute their music here. a fabulous city. don’t know exactly where they record or rehearse. certainly one of the best bands you ever heard.
“AC/DC sold more than 200 million records worldwide including 71.5 million albums in the United States added to list of highest-certified music artists in the United States and the list of best-selling music artists. specifically Back in Black sold estimated 50 million units worldwide, making it the second-highest-selling album by any artist and the highest-selling album by any band. this album has sold 22 million units in the US it is the sixth-highest album of all time. AC/DC 4th VH1’s list “100 greatest artists hard rock” named 7th “greatest heavy metal band of all time” by MTV (2004) #72 Rolling Stone list of the “100 Greatest Artists of All Time” says abridged wiki.
“valleylist” music sharing site©. a new product this year. picking up where napster left off. what would andy warhol listen to? AC\DC. shamus mccartle in particular. right on the internet. streaming video and music from my youtube account and to all your favorite social groups. very popular. millions daily.
facebook(vllylst) myspace(vllylst) twitter(vllylst1) youtube(vllylst1). post your video or message to the “music sharing site” discussion. publishing. for publishers. and for publication. high tech. pop culture. “valleylist” fills the need. give the music industry what they want.
“what it takes to be #1”
special video
back in black (1980) theme song from the movie Iron Man
top 10 AC\DC songs (year)
1.highway to hell (1979)
2.back in black (1980)
4.hell’s bells (1990)
5.shoot to thrill (1980)
6.thunderstruck (1990)
7.T.N.T. (1975)
top 10 analysis
a new audience for the music. heavy metal. music industry audience jumps for joy AC\DC gets big. very big. remember it’s AC\DC. it’s hard rock. heavy metal. they sound really different from anybody else. lyrics are different. songwriting is very different. and really good. heavy metal. top 10 album of all time. we salute you. entirely top 10 and a top 10 album of all time “Back In Black”. Beatles. Pink Floyd. Eagles. Led Zepplin. and “AC\DC”.
first highway to hell (1979) album Back In Black number one and number one album. next title track back in black (1980) same album perhaps their best. next dirty deeds done dirt cheap (1979) sounds dirty like the band itself. more creative rock and roll heavy metal hell’s bells (1990) a song like you never heard before. songwriting and performing it’s shoot to thrill (1980) and the search for a new standard radio play likes…. me. i like thunderstruck (1990) their music is very different. takes a while to realize it. try T.N.T. (1975) it’s great songwriting. there’s more to heavy metal than noise. here’s their anthem for those about to rock (we solute you) (1981). next rock’n roll train (1980) it’s #9. finally very early AC\DC gets it right let there be rock (1977).
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first in heavy metal very competitive field. iron maiden meets quiet riot. megadeath meets twisted sister. and others they congregate in the bay area. very liberal area great for new ideas who could follow Janis herself and Jefferson airplane gone starship. we want to be there says AC\DC. new aesthetic guitar rock. very commercial heavy metal. and experts say it’s heavy metal that sounds very radio play to me. and I like it a lot. particularly impressed with top 10 album of all time Back In Black. why do nothing the bay area is so exciting. they hide out in the city itself it is dangerous. eats their young.
new aesthetic two albums you need to know Highway to Hell (1979) Back in Black (1980) AC\DC sounds like normal hard rock or heavy metal yet very very good and we’re waiting for Metallica to join the top 10 albums of all time with Master of Puppets perhaps their best album or something as good truly an excellent album. onto AC\DC. they’re the best. say their fans. buy it. bought is the answer.
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as bay area as anything. AC\DC I have heard it in bars and discos everywhere very popular then a breakthrough album. among the best the city of san francisco has ever heard and yet san francisco is where they are now. shamus mccartle. real name. guitarist extraordinaire. now there’s an act for you. followed from austraila to britian to all of his majesty’s empire where the sun never sets. best living guitarist of all time. check out the outfit. school boy makes it on stage and live is where it’s at. lost in guitar music. you can tell. I’m still rocked by their top 10 album of all time. accomplishment is all original, there’s that many heavy metal fans out there, as many as the very big guys, AC\DC seems new by comparison to the Beatles and other top 10 album artists. what to do about Michael Jackson #1 album Thriller, still the #1 album fo all time. AC\DC, i love their music. want more like Highway to Hell and Back in Black. i’m a crossover fan myself AC\DC is new to me. i’m more of a Beck or Marilyn Manson fan to begin with. pehaps we all crossed over. that’s that thing about writing.
greg mckenna

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