
“valleylist” v470.television—-SORT LIST

valleylist(sm) v470.television—-SORT LIST [monday 06.18.2018]
high tech products companies consumers
 +short list definition (
 +sorting a set theory function (
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 +republican political crisis (
 SORT LIST. sort list is where the 16 or 17 indvidiuals hunting me down are identified by the court and permently separated from Greg McKenna. forever. no contact. no contest. the end.
as you may know the former employer the phone company and their employees have sworn a death crusade against me. reason, “I Want To Be  #1 In Digital Media”. instead they are banned from the media. reason. crime. also as “dead people”. they can only appear on television or other media as a name and likeness. know what kind of deal that is. ask ted west. CIA knows ted west very well. frmr vp pac bell and DOJ convict. put himself in charge. tell them “no”. and say “get used to it” is how difficult that is to solve. instead we have to tell police fbi the answer. they also lost great western bank that way.
again I’m asking the court today to separate those individuals permently from Greg McKenna. they are causing too much trouble. that would be ted west wishes he had style and knew how to write a simple sentence. and his DOJ pals like steve carrell and their hangers onners who all have criminal records knew how to make a dime. they are either “dead people” or criminals in prison.
we need the court to handle it law enforcement inc. are they confused by the fact of new money for their people. it is in fact a bogus journey through criminal hell. and they are the police. try crime you’ll be glad you did. leave the fbi out and i say call the DOJ upstairs they are supposed to know the difference between a nail money and a person. channel 4 NBC goes on!


NEW! TELEVISION INTERNET LIST©. a new product. launched! television likes competition. compete don’t try pickin’ it off. i put “television” on the internet with andy warhol. the new attorney scandal must end here. andy himself went for real estate not the upper east side as usual just soho this time and a new art stuido called “the factory” a history making event in the world of the arts. video clips. playlists. top 10 lists. “monday” television. today i’m streaming television from my new youtube account to all social group.
special video clip


Set Theory (Y2K) finding the guilty party requires deductive logic i recommend rational thought
top 10 sort list [don’t you mean short list] tips strategies is work from the attornies that matters
2.criminals get caught the crime continues they then move on the sort list strategy person
3.serious crime reported here kidnapping extortion gangs dangerous persons all identified as frmr emplyr
4.already arrested for this crime fbi police sued “money for my people” said again at the old office
5,grab your person is my best advice standard is in my hands
7.caught trying to move in on technology court wants them “right here”
8.xeros parc can’t tell difference between project and i have your person here
9.fooled by “that’s how it works” phrase it is said in english all the time
10.that’s what dennis said to me while travelling in the south of france what’s going to happen is… “that’s how it works” the shocker is it’s still going on. and it all happened to Greg McKenna then leading up to infamously “dis moi qu’est qu’l y a dans the minibar”. said in perigord france. and the answer is….alcohol.
it’s videos this week I don’t do this unless I’m pushed into a corner
top 10 analysis is detailed analysis this week [top 10 list is it]
how it works.
court did you get the evidence that is in fact the scam “I said that’s how it works”. not in French ever always in English. ends in JELLO!
do the sort list. the event or singularity has an observable number of elements in it. then put them all on a list name each and every one of them all the way thourgh to the last item observed in your black hole analysis. microsoft excel spreadsheet works. we like space junk meterioites comets planets and planetoids and any errant spacecraft. identify each and evry one of them and put then on a list. take the most important or most frequently occurring and you have a short list and perhaps the top 10 of the black hole items. target. tell the judge that’s him. he’s world famous. everything he does is of interest to people, judge may not know that. group the items with your legal strategy and again try a few strategies to get it right. it’s blasted to bits in the black hole because they are all cut out. individuals showing up. hostile. want money. do the sort list without the “H” in it to avoid murder. you’ll be a winner. just to tell you how bad that is with the criminal activity. no rehashed list this week. just a top 10 list and simple analysis of how to do your own s[h]ort list. then sort it. find them. identify them. and sort the list. sue those showing up all the time for free money. free sex. free anything. get anything i want. ever hear that before. that’s them. and the police fbi won’t handle the problem. it’s the JUDGE.
digital television
I’m an expert. sort list daily. it’s prioriotity legal problems solved. television is what’s important here. over the top and I sorted down my list to a short list. starting with a sort list of legal problems to solve. I promise you programmatic response to the Greg McKenna incident. police fbi do nothing. court is solving all of it.
programs. phone company has bungled digital television. doj ordered protect content companies. I said I’m going to attack content companies. again today GANG 4X101 and it’s because somebody said so. no real job in government. no real authority. “make me stop”. COURT has it.
all they wanted to talk about was politics and I’m very busy. now politics sucks/ I’d rather do digital television myself than see it fall into the hands of my frmr emplyr and their political cronies at the RNC [republican national committee]. now DARPA caught croneyizing. it’s illegal. also bad form. DARPA like CERN is supposed to be apolitical.
or is it my new product emailed daily to your new digital television set.. today’s sort list of favorite programs. short list first then sorted to pick the top 10 of the day. video segments that is. click here for full program.
next edition “valleylist” v470.publishing—-ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR [06.20.2018]
“valleylist” publishing schedule—-yahoo—-google
we have to tell law enforcement the answer is how bad that is.. read my article “clint eastwood” for details on the “dead pool”.. same criminal concept. dude and his chris persn have to leave. I said I want money. then I want it my way. judge that’s all they want to do is their thing “that’s how it works” to this very day. please adjudicate in favor of the plaintiff Greg McKenna. defendants all in jail deliberate strategy. fbi police show no signs obeying law want “mess around with their people” who are hostile and want money. were they all at the phone company. therefore “give my prison woman what she wants”. AND FINALLY THE CAPITAL OFFENSE JUDGE STILL CAN’T STOP THEM/ [FINALLY LITTLE GUY ALSO IN PRISON. MUST WIN CITED AS CAUSE. WITH PALS POLICE AND FBI ALSO INCARCERATED FOR T.H.I.S. CRIME].
the 16-17 indviduals trying to stalk greg McKenna everywhere and finish off everything to do the ultime crime have to be identified and the court needs to act to make sure they stop. they are causing so much trouble over this important person kidnapped at knife point by people asking for money. the court knows who they are law enforcement breakdown cited as cause of endless disturbance. those individuals need to be banned from any contact with Greg McKenna forever.
greg mckenna
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