
“valleylist” v488.publishing—-Frank Herbert ” Dune”

valleylist(sm) v488.publishing—-Frank Herbert “Dune” [wednesday 11.28.2018]
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FRANK HERBERT “DUNE”. great novel. great movie. david lynch went to exceptional heights to make “dune” an exceptional movie. truly new. and finally if you saw the movie “dune” you are changed forever. “wormsign” “I can kill with my voice” “house harkonan” “house atraidies” planet arracus is holding up the spice trade. we want a meeting with the empror of the universe Padishah Emperor Shaddam it’s the fremin planet arracus that mines the spice. and now house attradies is appointed to free the spice trade again. it’s Kyle McLaughlin. “for he is the quiazog-zaderac”
spice trade substance needed to fold time and space. problem. the original inhabitants of “Dune” are in hiding the house harkonan is so btrutal. and the spice trade suffers. house harkonan replaced. don’t want to give up the spce trade. the only planet to mine “spice”. it is the spice.
for additional information (only one movie DUNE)
DUNEthe book WIKI 
DUNE the movie IMDb
New! PUBLISHING INTERNERT LIST©. read the same news& information on the internet as andy warhol. frank herbert. sex pistols in print? oneliners in the news. sound like song lyrics. probably greg mckenna is at it again. streaming news and information from youtube to all social groups.
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Daily News Video of the Week
top 10 frank herbert “Dune” scene (1984) better just grab what I can
1.The most epic moment in the movie Dune
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top 10 analysis
Frank Herbert among the best novels of the end of the 20th century dwindling new ideas science ficiotn only big new writer after that was orsen scott card “enders game”.
first “most exciting moment in the movie dune” it’s meet duc atraidies. he’s fantastic. is he the one. “prophecy” will the new ruler of dune save us. next meet house harkonan. next meet house atradies. finally it is planet dune “arrackis” that is the spice planet. “duc attriadies” is the real action. official trailer sums it up. next official trailer sums it up after 1984 -next. and finally house harkonan is defeated.
listen to this the entire story set to music music “DUNE” SOUNDTRACK
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next “valleylist”—-brian eno (career achievement) [11.30.2018]
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i own “valleylist”.  i own “high tech with mass appeal“. i own “high tech and pop culture”. i own “technology and politics”
“dUNE”. excellent movie. david lynch makes movie history with “dune”. Frank Herbert. very serious. it’s a dynasty in ruins over the spice trade. story by frank herbert magnificient. outer space. orbiting planet comes the visiting royal ship. empleror on board. of what is this meeting. “spice”. say the visiting aliens. dignitaries. you should see what they look like. movie had an impact on society so huge it’s still a problem. “spice”. fantastical ravings. walk away. failed. you are stuck with this movie. problem. the book is very very good. yet it’s not of the same caliber of kurt vonnegut or thomas pyncheon. next. aldous huxley. frank herbert is fantastic
and in walks the david lynch.
Frank Herbert you have to see the entire 3 hour movie. and read all the “Dune” books. it’s a world unto itself. very serious. make no mistake it’s not “eraser head” or “blue velvet” this is a very different kind of movie.
“could he be the one”.
greg mckenna
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